Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Good Case of VD

One month into the new television season, I remain impressed that my favorite new show is not FlashForward, or the brilliant and sweet Modern Family... It's Vampire Diaries(what did you Think this blog post was about?). This show is hitting on every conceivable level right now. The romance is not over-stated (and that's a big surprise considering the show's promos and the fact that it is run by Kevin "The Real Dawson Leery" Williamson) the mythology is interesting, and the plot actually seems to be moving in some new directions instead of just copying Twilight or Buffy. Select townspeople know about vampires and seem to stand ready to destroy them...? Love it. There's assorted gems and herbs that can help level the playing field and protect humans/ harm vampires? Fantastic. My only concern going into last week's episode was that too much evidence was piling up for Elena to not have figured out about her "cradle-robbing, creature of the night boyfriend" (credit to Joss "the originator of this genre" Whedon for the quote from Buffy). But, as of last episode, it appears that she has it figured out, and even that was done well as we watxh her add everything up in her head.

Truly funny in parts, legitimately scary in others, and always interesting... I hope to be following these characters all the way to college and beyond.

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