Monday, October 5, 2009

Disappointed in Ebert

I'm pretty disappointed in Roger Ebert's review of the number one movie this past weekend, Zombieland.

It's not that I disagree with his assessment (I don't... As per usual) but in his review he gave away the "cameo" that's in the film. Now look, it's not a big twist or anything, certainly not The Crying Game-ish, but not knowing what the "cameo" is, made the moment of it's appearancr all the more hilarious. At least in my opinion anyway.

I keep putting "cameo" in quotation marks because, as anyone who's seen the movie knows, it's like a 15 minute appearance, not a usual blink-and-you'll-miss-it fleeting cameo like Stan Lee does in Spiderman and Iron Man or like a shirt on Sawyer on Lost.

Anyway, I loved the movie, which is slightly amazing considering that there's not a single other zombie movie that I like... And yes, I've seen Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later. Zombies have just never been my thing. But, Zombieland I'd recommend to anybody... Well, except for children. And the elderly. And zombies. Everyone else should see it, though.


Karen M said...

Ebert wasn't the only one. I wish I hadn't known, it was still funny but it would have been hysterical if it had been a surprise.

Hoping to write up a full review and cultural history of zombie flicks this week for my blog...

The TV-wok said...

I mainly read sites like and they tried very hard (successfully) to allow reviews on their site, but none that ruined the cameo. I appreciate them for that.